Every time I move to a different country, I have had to leave a perfectly good and stable job to go. Wouldn't it be nice if one could move and still keep their jobs? Where would you move to if you could do that?

Every time I move to a different country, I have had to leave a perfectly good and stable job to go. Wouldn’t it be nice if one could move and still keep their jobs? Where would you move to if you could do that?

There are a whole host of reasons why people decide to move to another country. For me, living overseas offered a new lifestyle, new opportunities and a new direction. Automatically it came with a new career. My first job doing National Service was right before first year in Uni. In Ghana it is a mandated two-year service to the motherland required of all Ghanaians 18 years and above by way of helping provide essential services and amenities, especially in small rural towns and villages. My first job before Uni was teaching French in a middle school in an impoverish part of town. I look back and laugh because these kids could barely speak that good of the English language and here I was teaching them basic French. They were adorable and I loved my year with them. They called me Mademoiselle. FYI, Ghana is an English-speaking country surrounded by French speaking countries, so obviously we learn the French language.

The other day I was going through stuff, too much stuff, and came across 2 little autograph books my colleagues from Transco made and gave me in my last day at work I enjoyed working with that team. Transco was a private natural gas company that operated Britain’s gas pipe network.

I love that I can go back and read these little books from time to time and reminisce about my time at Transco Gas. It’s been years and years ago and the company no longer stands. Infact the kids and I went by the building (on top of the Crawley train station) when we visited last year, and it has all been reconstructed. Everything looked so different.

Any who, here are some of what they wrote in my little Going Away Autograph book.

Book 1

  • Don’t go Brenda, what shall I do without you!!! Who is going to answer my questions? I hope you have a great time in Hollywood. Good luck and I hope to see you back at Transco very soon – Adele
  • BRENDAAA!! Good now I’ve got your attention, yes the joke isn’t very funny the second tie is it. Good luck, take care and be careful of the ‘Honey Monster.’ Have Fun! – Phil J
  • Miss you lots. Hope it all goes well. And maybe, just maybe someday I’ll return your bangle xxx – Brian Daverson
  • It’s been great knowing you. Wishing you all the best for the future. Miss you lots, have a great time. take care of yourself xxx – Margaret Draper
  • It’s been a great pleasure in working with you. I wish you Good Luck for the film nominations. Enjoy yourself – Tom
  • Send all food parcels and sunshine packages to Jacqui Jory. Alternatively send gossip to my email address.
  • Enjoy your time in the sun. Pity you with that hot weather and hot sandy beaches, open top cars, lovely food. CAN I COME! 🙁 – Martin
  • It’s been great knowing you. All the best for the future. Pop in and see us both when you visit. – Ray & Jayne
  • Good luck. keep away from the beach and those hunks on it. Keep in touch – Val
  • Who is going to tickle me now? I’ll have to go and see Ken Dodd. The yanks don’t know what is going to hit them. Good luck – Craig
  • I am very sorry you are leaving. You are a great lady. I wish you all the best – Maxi
  • Have a really great time. How can anyone forget that augh. It’s what keeps us smiling. Good luck – Gary
  • I’m sorry to see you go. What am I going to do? Please write to me that way I can come over and see you. What a holiday. Take care and hope it goes alright. – Laura
  • Brenda! Another one bites the dust eh! May the best of luck be on your side and may you light up many rooms with your beaming smile. Au Revoir – David Douglas
  • Dear Brenda, It’s been nice knowing you and seeing your smiling face around the office. I am sure everything will go well with you and America will treat you kindly. As well as working hard, enjoy yourself. Wishing you all the best and more. – Layra
  • Brenda, it’s been great working with you and I’m grateful for all your help. You cannot be a better person if you tried! Keep in touch, all the best. Love, James x ps. keep smiling 🙂
  • Dear Brenda, it’s been great knowing you and I really wish you all the greatest of happiness in all you do. I know you will success! I’d love to hear for you so please keep in touch. Au Revoir mon ami – Susan Shields
  • BRENDA, the lady with a smile that warms the whole office. I haven’t known you very long but I’m sure you’re a nice person! Well, I do know that you’re a beautiful person – the cross you wear tells me you’re a Christian. I am too….. – Levi
  • Brenda, how will North London customers cope without you!!! Thanks for all your hard work and your help. Enjoy your new life – Julie
  • To dear Brenda, this book proves what a lovely person you are. You’ll be missed a great deal. I join everyone in wishing you luck and happiness and hope you find Mr. Right. You deserve to. Love, Jayne
  • Bren, my 6-month contract has finished so I hope you don’t mind but I will be coming with you! See you at the airport! Good luck and keep in touch – ‘Bushman’ Andy H.
  • Brenda, what can I say! Don’t leave. Thank you for all your hard work. We’ve had many good laughs and cuddles (now, this is not true. This is my supervisor. lol). I hope your move to AMerica goes well. remember you can always come back but I expect you will make a success in the States. keep in touch and send your new address. Lots of love, Charles
  • To Brenda. All the best, there is life after Transco! Enjoy yourself. Love, Barbara
  • Dear Brenda, have a great flight, better times and bring back some unforgettable memories. Love, Phil x
  • Brenda! The great escape from the land of grey skies and illy people going to another land full of nice Americans, donuts, great food, grey skies and silly people. keep smiling – Richard.
  • Brenda, best wishes for the future in Hollywood! Will we see you in the next Hollywood film? I hope so, best of luck – Will
  • Hope you get the part in a multi-million dollar movie in LA then call me to be your co-star. Good luck. Enjoy – Martin
  • Brenda, you have been here longer than me, how have you survived? Oh yes, it must be Andy that kept you going. Good luck with your new life in the States and I hope everything goes well for you – Mike
  • All the best, America is a big place, with lots of big dreams! All you have to do is ‘Just go for it!’ Hopefully good advice from your white Nigerian friend. Lots of love – David
  • Hi Brenda, I really hope you find what you are looking for in Ameria and that you find success. This office won’t be as bright without you, and I hope we get a chance to meet again. – Kevin. ps. I promise I won’t stay in the office all the time and I actually will go home.
  • Brenda, believe me, there is life after TRANSCO and California is a good start. All the best – Dave
  • One Black, One White tapping away with all our might. We came in a group and then there were two for months its been just me and you. Battling away to empty our tray to keep Mr & Mrs Angry away. I’ll miss you Bren when you’re far away hundreds of miles in L.A. Good luck and be happy in your new life and I pray soon you become a “wife” – Cherie
  • What a load of sentimental …..! Well, I shall be different Ms. Harrods. I can’t say it has been good knowing you because if you don’t keep knowing me I shall come and find you with my 15 cases and sit n your doorstep! I simply do not understand why you are not taking me with you. I mean I will show you all the right places to go. Oh darn it! I will miss you and simply know you will never want to be in dreary ol’ England again so I will just have to come and visit you. God bless always – Carol. You will contact me real soon now ya hear! Don’t forget: – UK – Petrol, Trousers, Bum, Pardon Me, Bog, Spanner, Car boot, Bonnet. US – Gas, Pants, Butt, Excuse me, Restroom, wrench, Trunk, Hood. ps. most Californians cannot write very well. oh yes, they shorten a lot of words.
  • I will miss your smile and bubbly character. It’s been a pleasure to have known and worked with you – Phil
  • To Brenda – No more moaning meanies on the phone. Hurray!! All the very best for the future. Love, Charn
  • Brenda, it’s been a pleasure working with you. I take pride in thinking I trained yu and you then made it to a permanent member of staff. Good luck and all the best – Carl
  • Hi Brenda! End of an era. What an achievement. Keep in touch! Or I will buy you “what crunchies!” I’ll keep you up to date on Taylor. Love, Mark
  • Brenda, such a pity we did not get to work together for very long. You were one of the people who always smiled and said hello n the morning. Good luck in the future and may you always be happy. Yours Alexander
  • Dear Brenda. It’s Pamela – the girl you met at R & G. Have fun finding where you like and don’t forget me.
  • Good luck I will miss you loads – Steve
  • Boo! Ha! Didn’t see that one coming! Have a wonderful time and don’t forget you’re one of the lucky ones! Luv Phil F (no fixed abode)
  • To sexy Brendy baby! Have a fantastic time in the States. Try not to gamble too much money in Vegas! Love and peas, Chris (your favourite flat mate)
  • Brenda, wishing you all the very best for the future. keep smiling. Linda & Mark xxx.
  • I am so in love with you. Don’t blame me. You are the most beautiful lady I have ever seen on and off line. Please please tell me I am the ONE. Yours truely.
  • By hook or by crook I’ll be the last in your book. Keep in touch. Brenda. – Karl x

“This is not a goodbye, my darling, this is a thank you.” —Nicholas Sparks

Book 2

  • Success is getting what you want, happiness is liking what you get. Good luck, Brenda. We’ll all miss your smiling face. have a wonderful time. Au revor, Jacqui
  • Good luck, I’ll miss you loads. Don’t stay out there too long. Take care, mate. Luv Laura
  • Brenda, All the very best for the future. I’m sure you have loads of fun in the sun. I’m sure you won’t miss all the lovely customers that the bureau gives you. See ya soon – Emma
  • Good luck Bren…we will miss you especially me. I hope you have a great time and “get a lovely tan” haaaa. Don’t forget us and send us a picture of you in your bikini on your in-line skates by the coast. “oh ok All the best luv – Steve
  • Thanks for all your hard work Brenda and don’t forget to come back. Luv Julie
  • Brenda, Thanks for all your help over the last few months. Hope all goes well for you and your new life. Love, james. PS. Don’t forget my free ticket to the sun!
  • Brenda, hope you have a wonderful time =, enjoy every moment. Thanks for all your hep with all those horrid North London customers. take care. – Vicki
  • Oh Brenda, It’s the end of an era! I remember the first day in the office! (U and Helen mason) and now your last day here. You have my address and number. Please call me when you are back if you decide to come back (I’ll buy you a barcardi breezer!). All the best. Love, Mark
  • Life is what you make it, so get out of it what you can. Enjoy! Very best wishes – Gillian
  • Brenda! One of the “Great Escapes”. Well done Good luck ad I hope you never have to work for Transco in the U.S! take it easy – Paul F.
  • Brenda. Try not to enjoy yourself too much – Gary M
  • Brenda, it’s been really nice knowing you. Thank you for all your help! You ae always so happy and with such a lovely smile. I wish you lots of luck for the future! Good luck! With love, Carol xxx
  • All the best Brenda. I shall miss you. Love Susan
  • Good luck for the future. I hope everything goes well. keep smiling and stay happy! Love, Charlie x
  • Brenda I hope that you have a great time over in the US. The yanks won’t know what hit them. Take care and don’t fly Virgin Thrombosis class. Love, Craig
  • Brenda, all the very best for the future. Think big! everything in the US is big. Love, David
  • To Brenda – All the very best to you a=in your new venture. Thanks for all your help – Sue
  • BYE BYE…over the sea and far away to the land of the big buck $. Good luck! and be careful. Those yanks are displaced rommies! – Richard

Isn’t it interesting how you always want to live somewhere else when all along you have the best situation where you are? I miss these folks so much. We worked hard and played hard and started the weekend at the local pub together. I miss them all, my co-workers. Every single one of them were amazing. They were fun, we were young, we had to deal with sometimes angry customers, but we made it work.

I hope all my past colleagues are faring well. Reach out!



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Keep in touch!

Every time I move to a different country, I have had to leave a perfectly good and stable job to go. Wouldn’t it be nice if one could move and still keep their jobs? Where would you move to if you could do that?

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Our homes are not defined by geography or one particular location, but by memories, events, people, and places that span the globe. – Marilyn Gardner

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