Food connects us to people and places, bringing friends and families together. It is an important part of cultural heritage.

I am always thinking about what to make or bake and share this love of food on my Instagram page @DeliciousEpicureanLiving. I share food from many cultures – flavourful, mostly healthy recipes that I love to make and eat with my family. I only cook and share what I love to eat and my goal for doing this is to inspire and excite, not to make you fat from looking at my posts. Haaa. I am so excited about food that sometimes I eagerly and excited cannot wait for the evenings after work or weekends to make something.

Some of these recipes I grew up with, especially the Ghanaian recipes, some I get from friends, or adapt from the internet. I also have A LOT of cookbooks from various countries. I am addicted to cookbooks and grocery shopping and my kids always have bets on home long I will stay inside the store or how much I will spend. I am not always buying, sometimes I am browsing – yes, window shopping in the grocery stores the way others get excited about window shopping in the clothes store. Not everyone in the world likes to cook. However, in my opinion, those who like to cook are really lucky, and blessed, and so are their families. I get into my happy place – the kitchen – turn on some music and I am in Heaven (much like others feel when they hit the gym). Bear in mind, I was not always happy to be in the kitchen because growing up it felt like a chore – doing dishes, scaling fish, juicing oranges, washing up veggies chopping them up, grilling chicken, ‘organizing tea’ as my mum put it.

But now, I enjoy it. It is a great experience, and it makes me happy and excited when I think of what to make, bake or what drink to concoct especially when my family enjoys what I have cooked or my husband comments on my cooking with “you should really think of doing something with this talent,” or the children run down the stairs and say I smell fresh bread – “what are you making mummy?” Sometimes they join me in baking. My son especially loves to ask questions and help in the kitchen. My daughter has expressed interest in learning how to cook over the summer. I say Good for her!



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