Orange and Almond Cake

Make this easy, quick, moist Orange and Almond Cake when you're expecting company for brunch or afternoon tea.

Make this easy, quick, moist Orange and Almond Cake when you’re expecting company for brunch or afternoon tea.

Sieve together 200g of plain flour, 50g almond flour, 1 tsp baking soda, 2 tsp baking powder.
In another bowl mix together 150ml almond milk, juice from 2 oranges, 175g sugar, 80ml olive oil, 1 tbs white wine vinegar, zest from 1 orange.
Add dry ingredients to wet, fold gently and pour in prepared cake tin. Bake for 45 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.

Cool in tin for about 20 minutes, transfer onto tray/plate and enjoy this moist cake with some hot tea or coffee, and good company 🧡

Let’s dig in!



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