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Hello and a very warm welcome to my blog!

Thank you for visiting my personal web journal where I share my opinions, some good information and experiences on a variety of topics near and dear to me. 

I’ve been talking about blogging for many years now but have such a fear of flopping. To be honest many close to my heart, including the other .5 of me, have encouraged me to write and share my ideas, recipes, etc. I don’t know what I will achieve, but if I fail, it’s all on you all. hehee. But seriously, I am hopeful that someday I can generate enough website traffic to make some extra income out of these posts and if not, it is just simply therapeutic, and we can learn together and share ideas on how to make this life work for us for as long as we are here. 
Guest blogs are welcome!

Now a little about me! 


Food & Drink

Food & Drink
Brenda McGrail

The French Paradox

Dis-moi! Tell me! How fun would your life be if you could actually “have your cake and eat it too?”

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Food & Drink
Brenda McGrail

I Love Food!

Food connects us to people and places, bringing friends and families together. It is an important part of cultural heritage.

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Brenda McGrail

Goodwill Hunting

I love to live a first-class life using secondhand things. My car, my home, some of my clothes, furnishings, even my husband..

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Brenda McGrail

Grammy’s Influence

My maternal grandmother was an excellent gardener. Growing up we would be tasked with keeping her garden beautiful.

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This & That

This & That
Brenda McGrail

What is the Key to happiness?

Much like the Greek philosopher Epicurus, I believe that living a full life of simplicity and within your means, savoring the things and experiences that are the most important to you is the way to achieve pleasure, happiness and comfort..

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Travel & Adventure

Travel & Adventure
Brenda McGrail

Keep in touch!

Every time I move to a different country, I have had to leave a perfectly good and stable job to go. Wouldn’t it be nice if one could move and still keep their jobs? Where would you move to if you could do that?

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Travel & Adventure
Brenda McGrail

How did I get here?

Our homes are not defined by geography or one particular location, but by memories, events, people, and places that span the globe. – Marilyn Gardner

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